Reading notes are just busy work. I read the book, why do I need to take notes? How does a teacher possibly grade notetaking skills?
Going to chapel 30 straight times should not be a requirement. I've gone to at least 35 every semester, leave me alone.
The Anaheim Angels (Not of Los Angeles) will win the world series. They are the best team in baseball. Period.
Chris Taylor is the most chill RA in Huntington.
I'm almost positive the guy who lives next to me is a gangster. But if he tells me to turn down my playstation so he can do homework one more time, a real street battle might ensue.
Matt Angell needs to suck it up and make a move. (Just Kidding)
I am not 5'10, 170 lbs. The roster lies. There is no way I am the shortest person on the basketball team. This is a conspiracy.
I don't know who I am going to vote for. Obama doesn't impress me. With that said, neither does McCain.
I think John Wooden should run for president.
The best show on television is the Simpsons, followed by SportsCenter, Heroes, and Two and a Half Men.
You shouldn't listen to Track 14 on the Lil Wayne CD. Really, just trust me on this.
There should not be a Christian world and a secular world. The two should be intertwined. Christians too often try to seperate themselves from what they fear, instead of taking it head on. Its time to step up.
I love Peanut Butter.
The Sandwich game is literally kicking my butt right now.
I wish I had rhythm.
Those are my random thoughts/truths for the day.