Thursday, April 23, 2009

10 Things on My Mind

1. I can't believe my sophomore year is almost over, it seems like I was just coming for the first day of fall semester not too long ago. This year has been an interesting one, with a lot of ups and downs, expectations not met, and things going better for me than I could have planned. Though this year turned out completely different than I originally anticipated, I feel I have grown as a person in ways that I did not expect to. Even though there's still a lot of things I need to work on, such as growing up, I feel I have gained a lot out of this year and for that I am extremely thankful.

2. I wish I was a pirate. For years now I have always said I would rather be a pirate than a ninja, and people looked at me like I was crazy. But with the evolution of the Somali Pirates, people are starting to realize how BA pirates can actually be. I'm not saying I condone the actions of the pirates from Somalia, but I am saying I want to be a pirate in some capacity.

3. I do not understand people's fascination with Twitter. It just seems like a stupid concept to me, always updating your status and what not. What is this world coming to? Needless to say, this does not mean I will not have a Twitter at some point. Considering that this thing will probably take off like MySpace and Facebook, all of my friends will get it, and because I am such a sucker because I need everyone to like me, I will probably give in and pretend like I never wrote this at all. Dang.

4. I think if a drunk driver kills someone, it should be considered pre-meditated murder. The driver knows he is going to be drunk and that he will drive when he starts, and he chooses to get behind that wheel. Drunk or not, you still have the capacity to make a decision like that. He chooses to put people's lives in danger, and it is one of the most selfish acts I can think of. I hope the guy that killed Nick Adenhart and his friends deserves life in prison, especially because he has ruined the lives of so many others. I didn't even know the guy, and I usually keep emotions bottled in, but I was absolutely crushed when I heard this. Drunk Driving is pre-meditated murder, or attempted manslaughter at the least.

5. I can't believe my Floor Moms are graduating in a couple of weeks. I didn't know any of them coming into the year, but on account of I'm at their apartment more than my own room sometimes, I have gotten to know each and every one of them a little better. Its been a fun year with them, and I am extremely thankful they took the time to hang out with my friends and I, even though were a bunch of loser sophomores. I know that it hurt their "rep" and thats what makes me even more thankful for them. We've experienced a lot together this year from our stealing and moving things phase, to dance videos, to shuns gone awry. But this year with the Moms has been great and I will miss them dearly next year.

6. I want to be in a gang, but not a normal gang. I want to be in a gang that doesn't do illegal stuff, but rather does stuff to help out other people, a gang of good-will if you will. Instead of drive-by shootings, drive-by hugs will occur. No homo.

7. I think its a shame what happened in the Miss America pageant. The loser, Miss California (whom I feel obligated to root for anyway), lost for what I think is an atrocious reason. Perez Hilton asked the question to her, and it read (and I'm paraphrasing) "Vermont is the 23rd state to legalize gay you think other states should follow suit"? To which she promptly replied that no, based on her beliefs, she thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman. And you know what? She got criticized and lost for that "controversial" answer. To anyone who thought this answer was controversial, you are a hypocrite. First off, its a shame she got axed because she stated what she believed, isn't that what the question was for? They wanted her opinion on the matter, and then they wanted a cliche answer, which is downright stupid because they should want these people thinking for themselves. She got silenced for having an opinion, which seems very contradictory to the principles on which our country was founded. Second off, I don't even understand why it was such a controversial answer. Only 23 states have legalized it, which means more than half of the states in America are still on the edge or against it. So actually, her opinion was probably in the majority, but it probably just wasn't "politically correct". What a pity. Third, she didn't lose for messing up or not performing as well as another contestant, she lost for what she believed. Isn't that contrary to the whole Gay Rights movement thing anyway? They've been fighting for so long to have their opinion heard because they didn't feel they got the respect they deserved, and now they are punishing people for what they believe? Isn't that exactly what they were fighting to change? And lastly, what is this country coming to if someone if people can't be up front and honest about what they believe. Many people hold back their opinions that could actually help people out, and its all because of situations like this. Screw you Perez Hilton (and I don't mean that literally).

8. 2009 has been my year in sports so far. The Steelers won the Super Bowl (and I won a bet!), the North Carolina Tar Heels won the NCAA Championship convincingly, the Lakers are on a tear right now, the Angels are predicted to win the World Series by almost everybody, and I got to play a lot in 2009 on the basketball team (I even got to start a game!). This year has been awesome so far, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

9. I'm going through a huge questioning period in my life right now. I am literally questioning everything from myself to Christianity to people's authority. I'm at a stage where I think I'm trying to grow and just figure everything out, and its taken quite a toll on me. Now through all I've been through, God has always been there, is still here, and will always be here and I know that. I have never questioned the existence of God, but I still feel like there is something I am missing, and it is eating at me in ways you can't imagine. I feel like there's this hole in me, and I don't know how to fill it. I think that is why I am questioning everything. I know God loves me, and I love him more than anything, and I feel that he is using this time in my life, especially the last few years, to help shape me into what he ultimately wants me to be. I think he has used this time to help me realize some things, to toughen up, and to conquer fears that I felt I could never conquer. I feel he wants me to question things, including Himself and my own beliefs, so that I can ultimately grow. I feel he has big things in store for me, bigger than I can imagine, and I know that he is using these experiences to help me prepare for that. I used to be scared of this thought, but now I am ready to face my fear. I have a lot of questions and holes right now, but I am ready to face them all.

10. I'm tired of trying to be somebody I'm not. Its time to take a good look at who I am and stick with it.