I am officially in my last week of working with CVS. Although this has been a great summer job that has allowed me to earn the money i need to continue in my ventures, it literally sucked the soul out of me. I don't know how to explain it, but somehow i sold my soul to CVS and I'm in the process of trying to retrieve it. Just kidding, but not really. Anyways, while I will not miss being at work for 9 hours a day, there are a few things I will miss. First, I will miss the customers. Some customers are nice (old people), other customers are mean (middle aged people), but all customers are right, and I now fully understand that (I hope my work is reading this). Second, I will miss waking up at 6 am every morning to go to work, it helped to give me discipline, and now I love discipline. But mostly, I will miss the questions asked of me at work. Things from the customers like, "Where are your drug tests" (kid was high), "Do you carry Wet and Wild" (scary old lady), and "Can I hide out in the store for a little bit" (lady with a warrant out for her arrest). Also, questions from my coworkers and supervisors I will miss. Things like, "What are you working on", "How come you smell like alcohol", "How come you made us order so much
Moving on to more pressing matters, school is almost here. I am excited for this year for many reasons, but I will not write about any of them for fear of jinxing them. I am not superstitious, just cautious, so leave me alone. One thing I can write about is how happy my family will be that I am finally out of the house for an extended period of time once again. For some reason, my siblings overreact to everything I do, but I do not antagonize them in any way. My parents think I antagonize. I think I do nothing, therefore I do nothing. Its not my fault the other night that my little sister was yelling at me, my brother was stuck on our dining room table, and my sisters boyfriend was considering breaking up with my other sister because of me. Some things just happen whether you like it or not. Happenings like this are commonplace, and since my parents think this is all my fault, even though its my little sister's fault every time, they will be happy I am gone. Also, they'll probably be happy I can't secretly sneak sugar to the kids to get them all hyped up then leave the house for the day. I will take responsibility for that. Some things they will miss are the many positives I bring to the table. They will miss the house being free of leftovers, as I am known as the "Human Garbage Disposal" around these parts. They will miss my random spurts of energy that beam out of me just so I can prove I am still a person and not a mere clone of the CVS corporation. And they will miss the great advice I give to my little brother and sister. Why, just this morning, I told my brother to annoy my little sister and not leave her room until she got out of bed. He told me that she said she was going to throw something at him. I said, brilliantly i might add, to throw something bigger back at her, that will solve the problem (even though my advice backfired and something with a hamster happened, but we'll leave that for later). Anyways, my advice has these kids prepared for the real world, and I know I will be missed because of it. It will be sad leaving, but it must be done.
Lastly, I would like to talk about nicknames. For this next year, I want all of you who read this, (yes, all 4 of you) to call me by my nickname, and only my nickname, during the whole basketball season. Your choice is either "Lights Out" or "Smooth Operator". I love basketball. I did not come up with these nicknames. I am a Junior. One of the previous three statements is not true, guess which one. Regardless, I will not respond to anything else. Anyways, I have to go, its past my bedtime. Peace.
interesting that "brenny" is not on your list of acceptable nicknames
sounds like you won't be talking to anyone this coming basketball season then... cause I am definitely not calling you either of those names.
dude come on, it will help with that "self-confidence" thing you were talking about, at least Im pretty sure anyways. And Catherine, that has never been an acceptable nickname. Ever.
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